黃槐決明 sunshine tree


rain can be annoying to people but definitely complementing to plants when it is not too heavy. it gives them a good wash, bringing out the true colours. what more, all those pearly drops hanging and sliding on leaves and branches, like jewel, like music notes.


sunshine tree is an evergreen tree. it flowers all year round. i believe the common name sunshine tree (scientific name is senna surattensis) refers to the bright golden flowers which certainly bright things up. there are other interesting names: glossy shower and scrambled egg bush. yet these names to me can’t compare to the charm of its features: the perfectly shaped and arranged compound leaves; the lovely strings of pod.

黃槐決明 sunshine tree (senna surattensis) – 植物界 plantae kingdom | 被子植物門 magnoliophyta division | 雙子葉植物綱 magnoliopsida class | (未分級 unranked)類真薔薇分支 eurosids | 豆目 fabales order | 豆科 fabaceae family | 蘇木亞科 cæsalpinioideae sub-family | 決明族 cassieae tribe | 決明亞族 cassiinae sub-tribe | 屬:決明屬 senna genus | 種: 黃槐決明 s. surattensis species 《維基百科》


 trade winds fruit

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