黑臉噪鶥玩水 masked laughingthrushs’ water-fun

2012.1.31 黃昏時分到香港公園走走,鳥蹤處處。不怕人的黑臉噪鶥,鳥如其俗名七姐妹,三五成群的水池喝水玩水。趣致。masked laughingthrush is a common urban bird in hong kong. it likes group action. thus it is commonly known as the seven sisters to the locals. this evening at the hong kong park, these few came to the pond taking more than a few sips and then started bathing.

綠色建築 green building

記得兒時走在街上,看到人家的樓房無論是唐樓,還是新樓的騎樓露臺,都喜歡種幾盆植物,甚至養養雀。街上的風景豐盛,有綠意、有鳥語。現代板口閉臉的樓房設計不可同日而語。今天舊樓荒置拆毀無日無之。只有盡力游走舊區,憑弔苟延的風情。 這是九龍上海街其中一棟有騎樓的舊樓。植物的生物力總是與舊建築結緣,每次我都不禁驚歎柱邊房頂簷位他們都可紮根。香港的舊街上有另類的綠色建築。 always wonder how tough plants can be. this is a special hong kong city feature. you are bound to see wild plants and chinese banyan waving so much life around old walk-ups - on the roof top, along window pane, and snaking columns and cracks. this is an old building along shanghai street, kowloon. look at how vibrant... Continue Reading →

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