【本城美樹】禾輋邨豐和樓鳳凰木 “amazing trees in hong kong” flame of the forest, fung wo house, wo che estate


禾輋邨豐和樓於 1977 年入伙,四十多年的的屋邨,空間寬廣,樓宇街區的綠化休閑元素,早已滲著街坊本質。這個街區坐擁不只一棵而是數株老大的鳳凰木。選了這棵形態最舒嫺、氣度流蕩的為本文主角。

flame tree was an exotic species to this city many years ago and it has blended into our community so well. every early summer, hongkongers will always anticipate and welcome its fiery blooming spectacles.

our star of this blog post is one of the flame trees residing in fung wo house in wo che estate. she enjoys the best space and setting and her posture reflects her happiness. fung wo house was established in 1977. the greening and leisure facilities have long been parts of the community.

5 月 3 日。影樹紅了。樹與人的連繋。the flame tree has started blooming, it connects with this kai fong, connects with us. © hknaturetreasures 香港自然尋趣
5 月 11 日。鳳凰木更火紅。one of the chinese names for the flame tree is the phoenix tree. © hknaturetreasures 香港自然尋趣
鳳凰木(影樹)flame of the forest, or flame tree (Delonix regia) : kingdom – plantae 植物界 | (clade 演化支): tracheophytes 維管束植物 | (clade 演化支): angiosperms 被子植物門 | (clade 演化支): eudicots 真雙子葉植物綱 | (clade 演化支): rosids 薔薇類植物 | order: fabales 豆目 | family: fabaceae 豆科 | subfamily: caesalpinioideae | genus: delonix 鳳凰木屬 | species: d. regia 鳳凰木 | binomial name: Delonix regia (Boj. ex Hook.) Raf. (source: wikipedia in english & chinese)

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