【紅果快拍】構樹的果實 fruit of paper mulberry

構樹,又叫楮樹,是香港非常常見和野生的本地樹種,很喜歡他很常見但又有性格。昨日冷不防看到他最吸引人、豐潤的紅桑果。paper mulberry, also known as tapa cloth tree, is a very common and wild native tree species in hong kong. check out this dazzling-looking red fruit.

木棉飄絮的季節 chasing cotton season

樹頭菜季後,一連串的樹賞季節如鞭炮般,哇啦啦不斷爆發;銀珠綻放,鳳凰木飄紅,還有 木棉飄絮。 這陣子有空走在街上,最停不了的,追逐那可以追逐到的雲絮。 前幾年,木棉的棉絮成了新聞主角,因為有市民投訴、區議員成功爭取為民撲殺木棉絮。 經過一兩年的開化,愚昧的行動少了(應該還有人覺得木棉是不該的)。於是,又可以享受那棉絮風飄的浪漫,還有觀賞小雲朵聚落公園中、街上的盛景。 對於有敏感症的朋友,對不起,這種對你們構成傷害的物種,我是忍不住的鍾愛。只能希望牠們沒有對您們造成很大困擾。 我愛觀天看雲。每年約這個時節,我就可以抓到雲的化身。 就像這一天,我在公園內追著這朵雲絮 ...... after spider tree boom, one is unable to stop in plant appreciation. the yellow peltophorum tonkinense, the red flame of the forest, and the cotton. i love looking up to the sky, love cloud spotting. the good thing in this city is that every year around... Continue Reading →

德國的闊葉椴和香港的破布葉 large-leaved lime in germany & microcos in hong kong

五月底與家人出發德國旅行十天,上天眷顧,全程幾乎好天氣,藍天艷陽,巧遇大地進入初夏,清淨大氣下,周圍綠耀花香,美不勝收。 一路旅遊,名勝古蹟間的公路行人道、園林或景點的花園,放眼美麗高大有閱歷的樹木,很多是香港少見的寒帶樹種,樂意開眼界將不同國度經度緯度的綠林放入認知;另外,有一種抓住我的眼球和心房:有著美麗魁梧的樹形,茂密喜綠的樹葉中間著盈盈奶油黃色的花朵和粉綠的苞片。由於到處可見,旅遊到回程返港,一直懸念追尋樹名樹種資料。 嘗試詢問當地導遊叔叔,他以德文說樹名『鈴』(音:電話鈴單車鈴的象聲發音)『度』,並用德腔英文說花可用茶。  i went with my parents to germany for a 10-day tour starting end of may. we were blessed with almost non-stop blue sky and sunshine. summer just arrived meanwhile. many of the places we visited trees and grass were so green and flowers were blossoming. what a beautiful journey. on top of... Continue Reading →

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