冬之小確幸,遇見北紅尾鴝 daurian redstart sighting, winter joy 2022

冬之小確幸,就是遇到香港常見的冬候鳥 - 北紅尾鴝。雀仔小小,色彩鮮明而溫暖,加上眼睛圓亮,容易辨認。winter happiness is the sightings of the daurian redstart. it is a common migratory bird gracing hong kong every winter with adorable colours and bright round eyes.

炮仗花 flame vine / firecracker vine (pyrostegia venusta)

本來是過年時寫的,一直耽擱到現在,幸而近日周圍還是看到花開。香港不少公園,喜歡用炮仗花種植在座椅亭上蓋,到了冬春之際,就會出現喜氣洋洋的景象,於是城市中連公園都充滿過年氣氛。 i draft about this plant much earlier, when this species started the flowering season almost a month ago. i knew being busy is not a good excuse not to finish this writing. so finally got me together to complete this post before the end of the boom. the english common name is flame vine... Continue Reading →

山椒鳥快影 snaps: minivets

短咀山椒鳥, 雄性。留鳥。 short-billed minivet (pericrocotus brevirostris) male  灰喉山椒鳥,雌性。留鳥,冬天易見夏天難。 grey-throated minvet (pericrocotus solaris) female  短咀山椒鳥 short-billed minivet (pericrocotus brevirostris) -  kingdom: animalia 動物界 | phylum: chordata 脊索動物門 | class: aves 鳥綱 | order: passeriformes 雀形目 | family: campephagidae (cuckoo-shrike family) 山椒鳥科 | genus: pericrocotus (minivets) 山椒鳥屬 | species: 短嘴山椒鳥 p. brevirostris   ~ source: wiki 灰喉山椒鳥 grey-throated... Continue Reading →

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