【鷺全部都係鷺】筲箕灣避風塘觀鳥 birding in the city, at shau kei wan waterfront

秋冬是香港觀賞候鳥的旺季。並非專業觀鳥者,習慣隨意在城市中看雀,筲箕灣海濱是個不俗的觀賞水鳥地點,尤其喜歡雀鳥在人為環境中突出反差的自然生態美。 autumn and winter are the peak seasons for watching migratory birds in hong kong. i am a nature lover and love birding but instead of frequenting birding hotspots, i enjoy watching birds in urban settings. the shau kei wan waterfront is one good location for that.

尋常留鳥 some common birds in this city

常見牠們,但絕不習以為常,欣賞愛惜這班共享這城市的羽翼市民。 they are around us. but don’t take it for granted. they are all beautiful and lovable resident of this city. ~ 覺得大山雀與麻雀臉熟,但牠稍為大隻,而且上了黑白彩妝。 always find great tit a bigger version of tree sparrow and it has put on a tux.  大山雀 great tit (parus major) - kingdom: animalia 動物界 | phylum: chordata 脊索動物門 | class:... Continue Reading →

香港城市鳥風光 city-bird-scapes of hong kong

雖然香港有引以為傲的高份額綠地山坡、郊野公園,要純自然的景色絕不困難,但每次在市區看到鳥的蹤影,有城市作為背景,總有種蒼茫的感覺,人和鳥似更對等,大家同於屋簷下。 birding supposedly should take place in the wild, in the rural. but i purely love watching bird with the city in the background. for one this is a city i love. secondly, it feels that we are equal living things under the sky. ~ ~ black kite loves glass curtain wall 黑鳶與玻璃幕牆 a night... Continue Reading →

雜記 random nature records dec2015 to jan2016

經歷假期,天氣紛亂、香港多事,實在無心定下來好好寫些自然事。但我的腳、五官、心神,更多往綠色天地避世。 分享一下近日往外走時的留影。如果你也覺得心緒不寧,希望下面的畫面讓你找到一些美麗和寧謐。 festive season, abnormal weather, messy hong kong … my heart has been unsettled. sorry about no decent writing here. but these are the reasons i go out to nature more these days. allow me to share some of the peaceful and beautiful moments i sought these days. 聖誕大棠紅葉。seasonal red at tai tong, 大棠的嫩綠。but... Continue Reading →

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