2020年春,嬰兒紅 baby pink, spring 2020

春天不只有萬花的繽紛、樹木的新綠。春之特有的,還有植物初生的嫩紅,我稱之為嬰兒紅。 spring is a splendid season. it is brief but it always shows its presence. there are so many colours with flowers bloom everywhere. yet this post is dedicated to the freshest colour of the new leaves. 朴樹是我們的本土植物。很喜歡朴樹,因為外型樸實,春天卻是千姿百態。葉由嫩紅轉棕紅再成嫩青,花隨之而至。 chinese hackberry is down to earth most of the time. but in spring it delivers its versatile... Continue Reading →

2019年1月1日 beginning of 2019

新年伊始,特意走進郊野公園,希望將自己包裹在綠色和生機之中,雖然不時或近或遠的地方,都會傳來假期的喧囂,來自大滿檔燒烤場,還有趁假期行山聚首的親朋好友。但鑽進山徑拐彎裡,還是有悅耳的風吹樹搖鳥語。 但願青山綠水長在。 on the first day of the year, i ran into a nearby country park. one cannot escape the crowd at the “countryside” in this city. and, on this all celebrating day, many chose to enjoy the wild, you may say that there could be more people around than in town. anyhow, at least... Continue Reading →

winter 2018年冬季

12月中了,還未冷,但到底還是找到季節的痕跡。 it’s mid december, it is still warm. but at least there are some traces of winter.   楓香開始紅 (照片拍不好,對不起)  sweet gum (liquidambar formosana) started turning red (oops, photo taken not too good)  雌雄 北紅尾鴝  daurian redstart (phoenicurus auroreus) female & male 蒼鷺、黑臉琵鷺 grey herons (ardeidae family) & black-faced spoonbill (platalea minor) 黑翅長腳鷸  black-winged stilt... Continue Reading →

春紅 2018 spring red

寒冷的天氣並未阻止植物世界的生命活力,事實上今年已立了春,雨水將至,野外及城內的園林散發不同的紅彩。 cold weather earlier didn’t stop plant vitality in this city. in fact according to chinese lunar calendar, spring has begun for a while. here is to showcase different shades of red around this season.

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