【本城美樹 amazing trees in hong kong】南丫島大灣村荔枝樹快影 lychee, tai wan tsuen, lamma

3月底去過一趟南丫島,從榕樹灣碼頭登岸後,往洪聖爺灣走去。經過大灣村,遠望到村中一顆大樹,紅粉緋緋。原本路線是直走的,但那樹姿(不論是樹形還是樹的色彩)實在太吸引了,按耐不住,回頭,走入村中,很想看清楚欣賞一下是甚麼美樹。情況就像此刻寫此文。已經事隔差不多一個月了,還是不忍不記錄那樹。 這是第一次看到荔枝樹滿樹新葉,粉嫩的葉片披滿樹冠。原來那粉紅遠看以為是花卻全都是樹葉。 這顆村內祠堂旁的荔枝樹非常圓渾豐潤,不禁走下樹底,仰頭欣賞。賞樹,這是我的指定動作。大樹的美就是那高大壯闊的樹冠,走在樹下,往上看,頭上的天空全是樹冠撐起的葉傘,陽光好的日子,光線從上穿射,有的打下來,有的被葉片遮擋,光影樹葉交織的天網就是大自然的藝術作品。 it was the end of march that these photos were captured. i was too busy to sit down and write about it. yet the tree is too beautiful not to record it. so it goes. this amazing lychee in early spring. lychee tree is common in hong kong, especially in older neighbourhood... Continue Reading →

2019 春紅與綠 spring red and green

冬去春來。2018至2019 的冬天曾到我們的門口,壹兩次吧,但迅即走了。反而原來冬天來訪的時間,我們感覺夏天過來「霸尖」。 we just had the warmest winter in the record. summer hopped in and out during this supposed springtime. we had a number of afternoons with the mercury hitting 24, 25-degree celsius.    我們人已經沒有特別受驚動(為何?大家真的對於氣候變化不為所動?),木棉卻似乎表現還是像心亂如麻。今年周圍的木棉,都是滿樹盛葉,花也同時開放。i don’t why people are still inaction about climate change. look at all these bombax around us. they have been so... Continue Reading →

樟樹多看 appreciating camphor (cinnamomum camphora)

近日百花盛開,連樟樹都繁花似錦。興起寫寫樟樹的念頭。 覺得樟樹和榕樹是我們這一輩很貼心很有感受的自然之根,因為兩樹都是華南和香港的原生樹,這個城市周圍都可接觸到:榕樹樹牆甚至一些舊樓的牆邊天台在香港,而家裡父母輩和祖父母輩總有個樟木櫳。也因如此「生活」,很多時我們都少了讚賞牠們的存在和價值。這部落開筆多年,就還沒有專題寫過樟樹 (多不該!) camphor is one of the most common and close-to-heart trees in hong kong. common in the sense that it is a native tree, it is in abundance here; even non-nature lovers in particular the less young ones, most likely camphor has a place in their hearts or mind, because the older generations... Continue Reading →

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