冬之小確幸,遇見北紅尾鴝 daurian redstart sighting, winter joy 2022

冬之小確幸,就是遇到香港常見的冬候鳥 - 北紅尾鴝。雀仔小小,色彩鮮明而溫暖,加上眼睛圓亮,容易辨認。winter happiness is the sightings of the daurian redstart. it is a common migratory bird gracing hong kong every winter with adorable colours and bright round eyes.

【鷺全部都係鷺】筲箕灣避風塘觀鳥 birding in the city, at shau kei wan waterfront

秋冬是香港觀賞候鳥的旺季。並非專業觀鳥者,習慣隨意在城市中看雀,筲箕灣海濱是個不俗的觀賞水鳥地點,尤其喜歡雀鳥在人為環境中突出反差的自然生態美。 autumn and winter are the peak seasons for watching migratory birds in hong kong. i am a nature lover and love birding but instead of frequenting birding hotspots, i enjoy watching birds in urban settings. the shau kei wan waterfront is one good location for that.

鬧市中的野生鸚鵡與松鼠 wild parakeet & squirrels in the middle of the city

農曆年假期,瘟疫的威脅未厲之時,走在中環古老和綠色的一隅,人少野生世界就活潑起來。先看到數隻紅領綠鸚鵡,停下來觀察牠們之時,旁邊的松鼠也忙個不停。鳥與哺乳動物近距離互不相干也不排斥,煞是奇妙。 before the high of the coronavirus blast hong kong, right in the middle of the city, at an old and green corner, where human beings are less intrusive, the wild lives are vibrant. and i am amazed by coexistence yet not bothered by each other. 紅領綠鸚鵡 rose-ringed parakeet (psittacula krameri) –  動物界 animalia kingdom... Continue Reading →

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