城門水塘秋之行紀錄 shing mun country park journal oct 2016

上星期在城門走了一天,以下是當日的生態記錄。雖然過了中秋和重陽,但天氣依然暖和。this is a record of various plants, insects and other species seen at shing mun last week.it was mid-autumn supposedly cool and dry weather, but it was warm that day. 肖梵天花 - 城門遍地都看到粉紅花處處,美美的。 灌木/草本,屬香港原生植物。『常見於村落旁或荒地上,花期為七月至翌年二月。開花時,一朵朵粉紅色的小花向路邊走過的人招手。她的果實呈扁球形,直徑約1厘米,成熟後呈啡色,表面被有星狀短柔毛和錨狀刺,形狀酷似一個「流星槌」;「黐頭婆」這個別名就是從她的果實而來。』《可觀自然教育中心》 rose mallow/caesarweed (urena lobata) the lovely pink flowering shrubs are seen everywhere around the countrypark. caesarweed is an annual, variable, erect,... Continue Reading →

2014.4.16 wetland park journal of other creatures 濕地公園其他生物記錄

酢漿灰蝶 pale grass blue 白喉紅臀鵯 sooty-headed bulbul (pycnonotus aurigaster) 普通燕鴴 oriental pratincole (glareola maldivarum) 林鷸打架 two tringa glareola fighting 黃翅蜻 (brachythemis contaminate) 狹腹灰蜻 (orthetrum sabina) 黃腹山鷦鶯 yellow-bellied prinia (prinia flaviventris) 褐斑異痣蟌 (ischnura senegalensis) 黃蜻 (pantala flavescens) 長尾南蜥 (四脚蛇) long-tailed skink (mabuya longicaudata) 截斑脈蜻 (neurothemis tullia tullia)  

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