九龍公園的樹天際 the green skyline of kowloon park

近日事忙,未能坐下寫文章。但日常生活中,未停欣賞周圍。尤其精神繃緊時,更會提醒自己將視野和心神找出路。城市中,很方便地就往公園鑽。 九龍公園歷史長,裡面的樹木充滿歲月的美態和內蘊。可惜沒有太多香港人會說愛這些優美的城市綠洲,反而外傭姐姐懂得享用這些優秀的都市綠色園地。 been really busy the past month. couldn’t spare enough time to do some long blog. but i haven’t stopped appreciating our nature around. kowloon park. love that it is right in the middle of a busy district, while the old and tall and precious trees almost providing a precious green doom for those... Continue Reading →

貝澳 - 水牛家園及多樣自然生境 pui o, home of many buffalo and a land of great bio-diversity

跟大嶼山不少地方一樣,貝澳從前是種稻米的。耕田就需要牛。於是農民遠道從元朗引入牛隻。也跟大嶼山其他地方一樣,因為建造水塘,原來惠澤農田的天然水源都受人為干擾劫亂了,農民開始棄耕,加上經濟轉型,最後農業枯廢了。 農地丟廢了,對環境生態本有著危機。因為農地無人疏水,大雨可能引發氾濫,然後周圍就會給比較霸道的植物佔領,形成單調的生態。 pui o used to be a thriving village town on the lantau island. there used to be many paddy rice fields here. and buffalos were bought all the way from yuen long to here for farming. but as time changed, economic pattern switched, city life grew, and one lethal injection to farming here... Continue Reading →

悼皇后像廣場印度榕與銀珠 tree disaster 2017 – statue square

2017年8月23日及27日,香港一連受到兩個颱風侵襲。先有十號颱風天鴿,再有八號 帕卡,香港颱風史上屬強勁的風力,加上連連大雨,整個城市的樹木受到前所未有的摧殘。 自己嘗試以相機紀錄了不同地區的慘況,但兩星期過後,覺得損毀情況實在廣泛,很難作比較整體的樹災記述。是以選了自己感受最深刻的,來為那麼多的樹魂作點點的悼念。 two typhoons, of big magnitude, in one week cost great casualty to our tree population. devastation can be spotted almost every green corner in the city. first we had typhoon hato that went up to signal no. 10 on aug 23. four days later pakhar brought huge amount of rain under signal... Continue Reading →

洋金鳳 peacock flower / poinciana (caesalpinia pulcherrima)

洋金鳳的花很漂亮,在香港的公園蠻常見。近日在兵頭花園近遇著這灌木,同時欣賞到花蕾 花開和初果,每樣都美美的,於是在此記錄一筆。 植物來自美洲熱帶、亞熱帶,是加勒比海島國巴巴多斯的國花。這些背景資料似乎隱隱滲透花朵的美豔氣息。 peacock flower originates from the america. but it is commonly planted around the world, hong kong is no exception, as it is such a beautiful plant. you may find them quite easily in parks around the city. lately i came across this plant with its buds, blossoms and fruit showing altogether. since... Continue Reading →

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