【紅果快拍】構樹的果實 fruit of paper mulberry

構樹,又叫楮樹,是香港非常常見和野生的本地樹種,很喜歡他很常見但又有性格。昨日冷不防看到他最吸引人、豐潤的紅桑果。paper mulberry, also known as tapa cloth tree, is a very common and wild native tree species in hong kong. check out this dazzling-looking red fruit.

【本城美樹 amazing trees in hong kong】鄧志昂專科診療院細葉榕 chinese banyan, tang chi ngong specialist clinic

她不是巍峨古樹,甚至可形容為普通行道樹,但這細葉榕真的漂亮,有一頭秀髮,守護著灣仔這個悠然的街區。she is not a majestic ancient tree, one might say just a pedestrian tree, but i really think this chinese banyan is beautiful, because of her gorgeous “hair” and she has been diligently guarding this nice neighborhood of wanchai.

山竹腳印依然處處 - 漆咸道南 post manghkut – chatham road south

進入十月,山竹後三星期(9月16日十號颱風),他走來的破壞,傷口依然到處可見。 雖然開始感到拍照記錄已經意義退卻,此刻應該更積極一來幫忙扶正能救的樹木,二來思考並提出如何處理塌木的資源、場地、還有日後的植樹、樹木管理、監察的方法和計劃,此外,現在還有很多少人或偏遠地方的社區急需援助,我也在自責沒有抽時間去幫忙。 然而,走在街上,看到悲慘的場面,依然按耐不住,攝下畫面。 hong kong observatory hoisted the typhoon signal on sep 16. three weeks after, the footprint of super typhoon mangkhut is still deeply imprinted everywhere. i started feeling useless to record fallen trees around town. it is really too many of them, official figure says more than 40,000. the devastation is not only... Continue Reading →

本城美樹 amazing trees in hong kong】榕樹公公廟細葉榕 chinese banyan & “banyan granny temple”, aberdeen

孤陋寡聞,不久之前方知道竟有如此可愛的廟宇。榕樹公公廟,位於香港仔舊大街的小型廟宇群落之中,在斜坡前端。 香港有如此多的榕樹,有廟供奉絕對「受得起」。 廟的頭頂橫伸這棵細葉榕,果然有點老伯拱著背的型態。受到供奉,身上又多了紅色彩帶。稍微關注的是樹受著經年香火燻薰的影響,但觀乎外貌,這位榕樹公公老當益壯。 廟的歷史最多四五十年,因為考究香港仔的掌故,除了「大王公廟」,斜路上其他的廟如榕樹公公廟1960年代並未存在。而參考幾年前一個機構舉辦的榕樹選舉結果,資料說這樹有百年歷史,希望日後可找到史料或圖片可證實。 這樹的美,不單是樹本身,更在於民間文化宗教和人情與歲月混成的街道風光。 this small altar is called banyan granny temple. it is not unusual for chinese to worship common items including plants and animals. chinese banyan is more of southern china, and with or without a physical temple, this species plays a major role in village lives and folk culture around this... Continue Reading →

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