快影:螽在前,蜓在後 quick snap: a katydid & dragonflies

在市區公園欣賞池塘景色,發現了一隻綠色帶點棕色的螽斯,跟那青白的蓮花構成一幅悠然的畫面。 不一會,有隻蜻蜓停駐螽斯後面,覺得牠們在演出一幕獵人與獵物的攻防戰。拿起相機捕捉場面。 一剎那一飛一閃,水面甚至不起漣漪。兩者都飛走了。 回家將照片下載到電腦,才發現蜻蜓也許不為捕食。那裡原來有兩隻蜻蜓。 a casual afternoon in a city park. taking a moment at a pond, checking any creature interesting. saw this katydid resting nice and easy on a white waterlily. love the harmony of the colours in the shade of green and white. next moment, a big dragonfly flew by and hawking at... Continue Reading →

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