甘薯長足象快影 quick snap:alcidodes waltoni

甘薯長足象 alcidodes waltoni - kingdom: animalia 動物界 | phylum: arthropoda 節肢動物門 | class: insecta 昆蟲綱 | order: coleoptera (beetle) 鞘翅目 | family: curculionidae (weevils/snout beetles) 象鼻蟲科 | subfamily 亞科: alcidinae | genus: alcidodes | species:alcidodes waltoni (source: wiki + research)

東平洲自然人文雜錄 tung ping chau may 7 2017

五月初去了一趟東平洲。一個島嶼,滿是寶藏,由最招牌的岩石地貌,到假日遊人如鯽與荒廢民居的對比,還有豐盛的海岸岩岸生境 ...... 簡單的筆記/圖片紀錄: tung ping chau, an island at the very north-east corner of hong kong. it is a treasure island, full of rock wonders and creatures. hope that the increasing number of visitors are not upsetting the nature there. here is a rough record of things i saw in a trip there early may.... Continue Reading →

嘉道理的夏日蟲蟲嘉年華 summer insect carnival at kadoorie 2016.6.12

夏天,今年又熱又多雨,萬物生長似乎特別蓬勃,周圍變成觀賞大自然的好環境。 兩星期前到了嘉道理農場幾乎一天。當日中午下過好一陣大雨,人在其中覺得不很方便,但對自然生物確是潤澤。其實當日觀賞收穫豐富,植物、昆蟲,還有雀鳥、蝸牛等等。 這裏集中紀錄當天的昆蟲。已經盡力辨認品種,如有錯漏,歡迎指正。 summer is the breeding season of many species. walking around green areas of less human activities are the best ground to observe the amazingly rich world of nature. two weeks ago, i spent one whole sunday at kadoorie farm & botanic garden. it was an overwhelmed journey, so much to see and... Continue Reading →

南丫島的植物園地 plants and herbs at lamma

進入深秋,不少種植的植物已經採收好。但四季有時,在香草園度過一個早上,還是遇到很多欣欣向榮的香草和植物。 yesterday i spent half a day at herboland on lamma island. it is late autumn, some of the plants are cropped. yet nature is a wonderful treasure box, there are plenty herbs and plants in season this time. 往洪聖爺灣路上開滿花的假蘋婆 a road side lance-leaved sterculia (sterculia lanceolata) 綠葉紅瓢蟲 a plant ‘graced’ by a beetle 香草園的莊棚紅了使君子,地上伴著音符(花)at herboland,... Continue Reading →

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