鬧市鸚鵡 urban psittaculidae

鸚鵡實在是好看的鳥類。當牠們廁身城市環境內,特別突出。 we are lucky to host few species of the parrot family that are threatened elsewhere in the world. they are good looking species by all means, but are particularly outstanding with the backdrop of this city. 小葵花鸚鵡在中環。yellow-crested cockatoo in central 之前專題寫過小葵花了,所以不詳備資料。只重提一點,世界層面,小葵花是極度瀕危。請參閱前文 - 《小葵花鸚鵡六日觀 6 days of yellow-crested cockatoo》、《香港的小葵花鳳頭鸚鵡 hong kong’s yellow-crested cockatoo》。 yellow-crested cockatoo... Continue Reading →

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