斜斑彩灰蝶(雄)快影 purple sapphire male (heliophorus phoenicoparyphus) quick snap

香港常見灰蝶。影於鹿頸。 this is a common lycaenidae in hong kong. the photo was taken at luk keng. 斜斑彩灰蝶 purple sapphire (heliophorus phoenicoparyphus) - kingdom: animalia 動物界 | phylum: arthropoda 節肢動物門 | class: insecta 昆蟲綱 | order: lepidoptera 鱗翅目 | family: lycaenidae 灰蝶科 | subfamily: lycaeninae 灰蝶亞科 | genus: heliophorus 灰蝶屬 | species: h. phoenicoparyphus  (source: wiki) reference: afcd ; butterflies... Continue Reading →

火炭母 chinese knotweed (polygonum chinense)

火炭母是香港很粗生的植物,我卻很珍重。 一來是本土原生植物,二來植物易認且漂亮,三,多年前因一位婆婆認識她。 那是一次在大嶼山的村落之行。走到一條尚有人煙的舊村,在行人徑碰見那婆婆,她站在自己屋前的矮牆,見到我們一班人,便閒聊起來,指著墻上的植物問我們認識嗎?跟著便在葉間摘下什麼放到嘴內,說到:「這是火炭毛(粵音第一音),(果)酸湄湄,全棵都是寶。」 的確,中藥將火炭母全株入藥,有清熱利濕消滯之用。花、果、嫩莖葉均可食用。 當下,細心打量這植物,發現這草本攀懸植物很標緻,小小白花花瓣有質感,而且光線底下呈剔透,那些小果更微妙,包裹在宿存的花被之內,黑中透紫,帶光澤。 爾後,走到比較靜的路邊山邊,都發現這美麗小植物的蹤影。雖然常見,每次皆不禁讚美她。這植物很容易辨認,葉面常有 v 型的白或深色的斑紋,而其莖呈嫩紅色。 this plant is very common in this city. it is a hong kong and chinese native. don’t overlook this perennial climber even though it is everywhere. it has many pretty features: Its stems are glabrous and red-brown. you can easily recognise chinese knotweed amid a luxurious pasture... Continue Reading →

荃灣山行 first hike in tsuen wan 2012.9.8

第一次在荃灣行山,二時集合。起步前突然下起雨來,興致涼了一截。一行約六十人在荃灣地鐵站下的的士站等車。終於三時全體齊集大帽山郊野公園林務站*。慶幸雨也早停而天色也轉亮。 last saturday i and two friends followed a trek tour at tsuen wan. i never hike in this district before and had made no expectation before the trip. it turned out to be very enjoyable, because of the wonders along the trek, also of the great gathering with friends. we started at the tai... Continue Reading →

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