白舌紫菀 aster baccharoides [快影 snap]

荃灣山行 時遇到這傘房頭狀花序植物,名白舌紫菀。


saw this plant during “first hike in tsuen wan”, it is called aster baccharoides.

i am always intrigue by wild flowers. by first glance, they could look shabby due to the unprotected environment around, but just give it more observation; it never fails to discover the beauty shines from within.

aster baccharoides is of the species of aster. understanding from the site aster flower, aster in ancient greek means “star”, which is a good description of the shape of the flower head. an aster’s bloom is actually a combination of approximately 300 small (usually yellow) flowers surrounded by colorful petals.

aster baccharoides 白舌紫菀 – kingdom植物界 plantae | division: 被子植物門 magnoliophyta | class: 雙子葉植物綱 magnoliopsida | order 菊目 asterales | family: 菊科 asteraceae | species: 紫菀屬 aster | genus種: 白舌紫菀a. baccharoides

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