西貢蕉坑植物紀錄 2013.11.24 plant record @tsiu hang, sai kung

巴西野牡丹 glory bush (tibouchina semidecandra):


蒜香藤 garlic vine (mansoa alliacea):


garlic vine, is a species of tropical liana in the trumpet-creeper family. it is native to the amazon rainforest.

假杜鵑 philippine violet (barleria cristata)

重瓣臭茉莉 fragrant gloryberry (clerodendrum philippinum):


苧麻 chinese silk plant / ramie (boehmeria nivea):


it is a flowering plant in the nettle family urticaceae, native to eastern asia. it is a herbaceous perennial. the true ramie or china grass, also called chinese plant or white ramie, is the chinese cultivated plant.

吊裙草 crotalaria retusa:

吊裙草與豬屎豆 (crotalaria pallida) 相似。但後者的葉是三出複葉。花的色調比較淡。

crotalaria retusa is in the in the genus of crotalaria, in the family fabaceae (subfamily faboideae), commonly known as rattlepods. the seeds become loose in the pod as they mature, and rattle when the pod is shaken.

白楸 turn-in-the-wind (mallotus paniculatus)

木荷 chinese guger-tree (schima superba):


native to hong kong and china. flowers are white, mildly fragrant and showy. seeds are flat and with wings and are spread through wind when the capsules burst at maturity.

石筆木 common tutcheria (tutcheria championii):

香港原生。命名紀念 1908年植物及林務署前任總監 wj tutcher,是香港法例96章林務規例保護之植物。白色大花,中間有橙黃色雄蕊,花瓣有絹毛。蒴果成熟時為褐紅色,內有狀似巨型版瓜子的種子。

native to hong kong. tutcheria is the name of an official in the local forestry department in the beginning of the 20th century. flowers are white, have hair on the petals. capsules are reddish when mature. seeds look like big melon seeds.

梭羅 bunch-like reevesia (reevesia thyrsoidea):


this evergreen tree is native to hong kong.

單穗水蜈蚣 white kyllinga (kyllinga nemoralis):


this is not the root of this sedge, it is its rhizome.

車前草 chinese plantain (plantago asiatica)

六角豆 / 毛茄 okra (abelmoschus esculentus)

waterlily sprout 睡蓮芽:


滿江紅 mosquito fern (azolla pinnata):

水生的蕨類植物 an aquatic fern

菱角 water chestnut (trapa)

馬蹄 /荸薺 chinese water chestnut (eleocharis dulcis):

the chinese water chestnut is a grass-like sedge grown for its edible corms. the water chestnut is actually not a nut, but an aquatic vegetable that grows underwater in the mud. it has tube-shaped, leafless green stems.

native to china and is widely cultivated in flooded paddy fields in southern china and parts of se asia wiki

荸薺是多年生水生草本植物,地下有匍匐莖,先端膨大為球莖 corms(地下變態莖)。地上莖直立叢生,管狀濃綠色,有節,節上生膜狀退化葉,穗狀花序,褐色花,瘦果,性喜溫暖濕潤,不耐寒。

金紐扣 toothache plant (acmella oleracea)

九層塔 basil (ocimum basilicum)

柚木 teak

洛神花 roselle

短序潤楠 short-flowered machilus (machilus breviflora)

楓香 sweet gum

珊瑚藤 antigonon leptopus

八角楓 chinese alangium (alangium chinense)

柳葉茶 willow-leaved camellia (camellia salicifolia):


猴耳環 monkey-pod (archidendron clypearia)

凹葉紅豆 emarginate-leaved ormosia (ormosia emarginata)

嶺南青岡 cyclobalanopsis championii

華南錐 hairy chestnut (castanopsis concinna)

葛量洪茶 grantham’s camellia (camellia granthamiana)

玉桂 cinnamon>

酸棗 hog plum (choerospondias axillaris)

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