白與嫣紅雨- 節果決明 pink and white shower



familiar with a tree of the common name “golden shower”,its flowers are pretty and living up the name. it was a good surprise to know that there is another shower out there, and it “rains” even more beautiful.

the latin name of pink and white shower is cassia nodosa. it is actually close to golden shower “cassia fistula”. they both have pinnate leaves, gracious and girly flowers and fruits in long pods.

pink and white shower is not common in hong kong. but there is a tree of historic value standing handsome at murray road at central. the flowers are deep

rose-pink and white, occurring in dense clusters. one will never forget once having an encounter with her.

網上搜尋這樹,中港台的網頁的資料也不多。在《百度百科》上看到另一名字 – 粉花山扁豆:原產熱帶亞洲和夏威夷群島。中國雲南的西雙版納、海南、廣西的南寧、甯明等均有栽培。而《鳳凰網百科》上引《本經逢原》說樹的豆,作药材用,稱為神黃豆。

說到這樹的豆,回應文首提到「黃金雨」豬腸豆。對照兩樹的資料,印證兩者外形的近似,包括葉、花和豆,源自她們同目同科同屬 (豆目豆科決明屬)。

節果決明 pink and white shower (cassia javanica var. indochinensis) – kingdom plantae  植物界 | (unranked): angiosperms | (unranked): rosids | order fabales  豆目 | family fabaceae 豆科 | genus cassia 決明屬 | species cassia javanica 節果決明  ~ source: wiki


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